Unit 3 Writing about Results

  1. 3.1 Structure
  2. 3.2 Grammar and Writing Skills
    1. 3.2.1 Sequence

第三单元 关于结果的写作

3.1 Structure

The title of this section varies in different disciplines, and also in different journals. Instead of Results, it is sometimes called ‘Analysis’ or ‘Data Analysis’. Th e table below shows four options for the subtitles from this point until the end of the research paper.

In all cases this section reports your comments on what you found or observed, and if the subtitle contains the word Discussion (i.e. Results and Discussion), it includes some or all of the Discussion. As with the Methodology section, the best way to choose an appropriate subtitle is to look at the Guide for Authors of the journals you read regularly.

In most cases, the results of your work can be given in graphs, tables, equations or images. Why, then, should you bother to write a Results section? Why not simply provide good, clear graphs or tables with good, clear titles and perhaps a few notes underneath each? Thinking about these questions is a good way to begin to understand what you should be writing in this section. Almost everyone writes a Results section, so it is clear that some things cannot be achieved by just using tables, graphs or other images of your results. They can be achieved only by using words.
There are many reasons for writing a Results section. In the first place, some of your results may be more interesting or significant than others, and it is difficult to communicate this in a table or graph. Also, it is essential to relate your results to the aim(s) of the research. Thirdly, in some cases you may want to off er background information to explain why a particular result occurred, or to compare your results with those of other researchers. In addition, your results may be problematic; perhaps some experiments were not fully successful and you want to suggest possible reasons for this.
However, one of the most important reasons for writing a Results section rather than relying on graphs, tables and other images is that you must communicate your own understanding and interpretation of the results to your readers. Results do not speak for themselves; if they did, the tables or graphs of your results would be enough. Your readers do not have to agree with you but they need to know your opinion and understanding of your results.
So when we come to ask our three questions:

  • How do I start the Results section? What type of sentence should I begin with?
  • What type of information should be in this section and in what order?
  • How do I end this section?

You already know that this section contains some comments on what you found or observed rather than just a description of your findings and observations, and this helps to answer the second question.
Read the Results section below. The title of the paper is: A modelling approach to traffic management and CO exposure during peak hours. Don’t worry if the subject matter is not familiar to you or if you have difficulty understanding certain words, especially technical terms such as median exposure. Just try to get a general understanding at this stage and familiarise yourself with the type of language used.

1 Data obtained in previous studies using a fixed on-site monitor indicated that travel by car resulted in lower CO exposure than travel on foot. 2 According to Figo et al. (1999), the median exposure of car passengers was 11% lower than for those walking. 3 In our study, modelled emission rates were obtained using the Traffic Emission Model (TEM), a CO-exposure modelling framework developed by Ka. 4 Modelled results were compared with actual roadside CO concentrations measured hourly at a fixed monitor. 5 Figure 1 shows the results obtained using TEM.
6 As can be seen, during morning peak-time journeys the CO concentrations for car passengers were significantly lower than for pedestrians, which is consistent with results obtained in previous studies. 7 However, the modelled data were not consistent with these results for afternoon journeys. 8 Although the mean CO concentrations modelled by TEM for aft ernoon journeys on foot were in line with those of Figo et al., a striking difference was noted when each of the three peak hours was considered singly (Fig. 2). 9 It can be observed that during the first hour (H1) of the peak period, journeys on foot resulted in a considerably lower level of CO exposure. 10 Although levels for journeys on foot generally exceeded those modelled for car journeys during H2, during the last hour (H3) the levels for journeys on foot were again frequently far lower than for car journeys.
11 A quantitative analysis to determine modelling uncertainties was applied, based on the maximum deviation of the measured and calculated levels within the considered period. 12 Using this approach, the uncertainty of the model prediction for this study slightly exceeds the 50% acceptability limit defined by Jiang. 13 Nevertheless, these results suggest that data obtained using TEM to simulate CO exposures may provide more sensitive information for assessing the impact of traffic management strategies than traditional on-site measurement.

Before you begin to build a model, read the following section on grammar and writing skills.

3.2 Grammar and Writing Skills

This section deals with four language areas which are important in the Results section:

3.2.1 Sequence

In order for other researchers to be able to repeat your work accurately and compare their results with yours, you need to be able to describe the order and time sequence of what you did and found in a very precise way. Time sequence means how long each step took and where it occurred in the sequence. You cannot use only then or next; these words tell your reader the order in which events occurred but they don’t provide information about how long each event took, how soon the next event occurred or where it occurred in the sequence. A clear understanding of the time sequence will help your reader to picture it and repeat it for themselves.
为了让其他研究人员能够准确地重复你的工作,并将他们的结果与你的结果进行比较,你需要能够以非常精确的方式描述你所做和发现的顺序和时间顺序。时间顺序是指每个步骤花费的时间以及它在序列中发生的位置。你不能使用only then或next;这些词告诉你的读者事件发生的顺序,但它们没有提供关于每个事件花了多长时间,下一个事件发生的时间或它在序列中发生的位置的信息。对时间顺序的清晰理解将有助于读者描绘它并为自己重复它。
The words and phrases that communicate sequence can be divided into eight groups.

  1. The first group contains words or phrases which refer to events that occurred before you began your experiment/simulation or before you began observing your results:
    It was apparent beforehand that a reduction in temperature would be a desirable outcome.

  2. The second group marks the beginning of the experiment/simulation or the first result you are describing:
    At the beginning the temperature was stable, as predicted.

  3. The third group contains words/phrases which tell you the order in which events occurred but do not give any information about the time sequence:
    The temperature increased to 49°C and then dropped to 30°C.
    温度上升到49 ℃,然后下降到30 ℃。
    In this case, the drop in temperature may have occurred quite soon aft er the temperature reached 49°C or it may have taken a long time; the word then only tells the reader the order in which these events occurred.

  4. The fourth group is used to communicate that there was (only) a short period of time between two events:
    The temperature increased to 49°C but soon dropped to 30°C.

  5. The fifth group communicates that the period of time between events was long, or that the event occurred near the end of the sequence:
    The temperature increased to 49°C and later dropped to 30°C.
    气温上升到49 ℃,后来又降到30 ℃

  6. The sixth group is extremely useful and important. It contains words and phrases that are used to communicate that events occurred at the same time or almost at the same time, or during the same period, and therefore the items in this group are sometimes used to communicate a possible causal relationship between events:
    The temperature dropped sharply when we reduced the pressure.

  7. The seventh group marks the end of the sequence of events:
    At the end there was a noticeable drop in temperature.

  8. The last group refers to events that occurred aft er you finished your experiment/simulation or aft er you finished observing the results:
    At the end there was a noticeable drop in temperature but it was decided afterwards to omit it from the input data.
    Here is a list of the words and phrases that communicate sequence:

    Now put them into one (or more) of the appropriate groups. One example in each group has been entered in the box as a guide and some of the words or phrases can appear in more than one group.

  1. before the beginning
  2. the beginning or first step
    at the beginning
  3. steps/order
  4. after a short while
  5. at a late/later stage; aft er a while/longer period
  6. one point/period occurring almost or exactly at the same time as anothe
  7. the end or last step
    at the end
  8. after the end